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 Funwar #5 RoT vs Rad (2nd map)

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Posts : 80
Join date : 2016-01-08

Funwar #5 RoT vs Rad (2nd map) Empty
PostSubject: Funwar #5 RoT vs Rad (2nd map)   Funwar #5 RoT vs Rad (2nd map) Empty17th February 2016, 11:21 am


DRAW caused because their members were sleepy and it was 1 am in there timeline.
and because they won 1st map. we won 2nd map.

gl hf in the next one. it might be in sturday or so.

War type: Funwar / Standard

    First Half
Radeon : 7
RoT      : 3

   Second Half
Radeon:  N/A
RoT     :  N/A

War Score:
Radeon : 7
RoT      : 3

Both teams winning at:

RoT      : Counter - Terrorists
Radeon : Terrorists

Competitors are:
-Lelu [C]
-N3rd [M]

-gorss or something.

RoT's Forum     : http://www.RotCS2D.co.nr
Radeon's Forum: http://www.Radeon2D.tk
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Funwar #5 RoT vs Rad (2nd map)
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